Happy birthday, Lions Clubs International! Lions began in Chicago 105 years ago. We've been there for our communities for over a century...and we're just getting started:
Tri-County Lions President-Elect Bill Barnes will soon assume the top leadership role in the Tri-County Lions organization! Saturday, June 4, he participated in the District 12-N (East Tennessee) training for incoming presidents held in Powell, TN. Lion Bill is pictured below at the training on the left end of the table, wearing the Tri-County Lions' blue vest.
Thanks to District Governor-Elect Rich Wilson for providing the photo.
We will use this blog to keep our members, friends, and you up-to-date with the latest developments locally, regionally, and world-wide.
Coming up Monday, May 9. District 12-N Past District Governor Clare Crawford will install the officer team for the 2022-23 Lion Year; thanks for those who served during the current year, and to those who've stepped up for the new year! PDG Clare is a member of the Knox County North Lions.
The meeting will take place at the Gondolier Restaurant, Mountain View Drive, Knoxville, with dinner at 6pm followed by the meeting.