On Monday, February 12, Tri-County Lions welcomed new member Dinny Vonderau (pictured lower left), who was inducted by District Governor Frank McCall. Lion Dinny was accompanied by his wife Susan. We are delighted to welcome them into our association. He was sponsored by Lion Connie Emmons.
Also, DG McCall recognized Tri-County Lions as a 300% Model Club during the recent Campaign 100 for Lions Clubs International Foundation.
Lion Connie E., who serves as Service Chair for the District, presented District Service Awards to Tri-County Lions Jessica Robbins (top right) and Peggy Russell (lower right). She also introduced us to her new Leader Dog in Training Piper. This is her 3rd Leader Dog puppy.
We support Lions Mission 1.5, the drive to reach 1.5 million members worldwide, so we can better meet the growing needs of our communities and the world.
The club also voted financial support for Leader Dogs for the Blind and Lions Clubs International Foundation, amd discussed plans for the upcoming District Convention.